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Strategic Thinking Workshop, 10th May, Milano

Poiché le maggiori lacune di competenze che stavano affrontando erano legate all’esperienza dei manager o degli imprenditori in materia di espansione del business: non trasformare la visione in obiettivi specifici, mancanza di capacità analitiche, prendere decisioni emotive, mancanza di esperienza nella conduzione di grandi progetti, sfide logistiche; Altre lacune menzionate riguardavano l’elaborazione di un efficace piano di marketing per il successo de lancio del business.
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Strategies to close cross-cultural communication gaps

Internet seems to be the perfect channel for finding business opportunities and connecting people and ideas across the world, but accessing it won’t guarantee you the massive results you dreamed of. According to the International Labor Organization (2009), 70% of cross-boundaries business ventures fail due to cultural differences. Quite a big percentage I would say. Globalization spread its capital across the world, selling clear Mission statements on markets and well-disposed Principles inside for shaping employees behaviors. Even so, in terms of money only in Europe and United States 25 billion dollars are lost every year, as a result of inefficient Cross Cultural-Communication.

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Come funziona il tuo team se non sei in ufficio?

Ritorna all’ultima estate, è stata la metà di agosto, il caldo delle vacanze estive. Eppure, stavo lavorando sodo nel mio ufficio. Il mio calendario era pieno di sessioni di coaching con manager stanchi e stressati fino alle loro orecchie al lavoro e tutti sembrano non avere il tempo di godersi i giorni di sole. Come è successo?

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The Romanian IT&C industry, an industry which is continuing its upward trend, currently has around 80.000 specialists. The biggest players are clustered around Bucharest, Cluj and Iasi and they are continuing to recruit local talent. However all of these companies have the same challenges.

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Coaching…different perspective

The IT industry continues to be a booming one. An area that is constantly innovating and attracts the best talents. As this industry continues to grow, apart from the need for specialists in various technologies, there is also a need for people to manage these specialists. Team Leaders, Managers or Project Managers that know how to effectively use the talents and resources of the company.

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